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Author of All Markets Are Liars and Permission Marketing. Website

Do your homework! This is not a conceptual, theoretical look at how to succeed as a service professional. Instead, it's just what you need if you're stuck and you'd rather invest in your future (by doing the right kind of work) than complain about it later.

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Boken finns utöver den vanliga versionen i en illustrerad version, där Michael Port tillsammans med illustratören Jocelyn Wallace har tagit fram en bok med massor av bilder. Texten är densamma i båda versionerna.

Book Yourself Solid

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  • Michael E. Gerber

    Founder and Chairman, E-Myth Worldwide, and author of the E-Myth Revisited. Website

    Lead generation and conversion is the heart of any marketing enterprise, and Michael Port's ingenious and practical system is among the best I've seen. Read this book and transform your business.

  • Seth Godin

    Author of All Markets Are Liars and Permission Marketing. Website

    Do your homework! This is not a conceptual, theoretical look at how to succeed as a service professional. Instead, it's just what you need if you're stuck and you'd rather invest in your future (by doing the right kind of work) than complain about it later.

  • Ivan R. Misner

    PhD and CEO, BNI, and co-author of Masters of Networking. Website

    If you're even slightly uncomfortable with the idea of networking, marketing, or selling, this is the book for you. Book Yourself Solid gives you everything you need to fill your business with ideal clients. Before you're even finished reading the book, you'll be inspired to take action!

  • Daniel H. Pink

    Author of A Whole New Mind and Free Agent Nation. Website

    Going out on your own can be scary. But this book is a welcome antidote to the fear. It brims with savvy advice and nearly overflows with practical, hands-on exercises. Once you absorb the wisdom in threes pages, you'll be ready, willing, and eager to fashion a more rewarding work life. Michael Port is the guy to call if you're tired of thinking small.

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